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Under Construction. This page will showcase all of our amazing projects. 

Creek Crossing Signs

WCWA is embarking on a simple, novel, and effective project to build waterway & watershed knowledge within our community.  By installing signs with QR codes at our local stream crossings, we are giving the public access to a wealth of information about that creek. A drone video will give the viewer a bird’s eye view, soaring upstream to where the watershed begins, then turning back to follow the smaller tributaries downward as they gather together to flow towards where the viewer stands, and then continuing onward until eventually meeting the river. The video’s narration will give the viewer a feel for the forces impacting the watershed as it flows past farms, towns, developments, shopping centers, and industrial sites.  In addition to the video, the viewer will find a mix of multimedia regarding the watershed; including photos, maps, and a text that tells of its uses and abuses throughout its history, right up to the present day. The viewer will find ways to get involved to help ensure clean water and a healthy watershed for future generations.  This project is made possible by funding from a Sierra Club Huplits Grant and by the tireless energy of our volunteers.

Datalogger Project

The project used Solinst Levelogger LTC Junior devices to measure water quality of 25 different streams within Washington County.  The devices measured conductivity, water temperature, and water level every 15 minutes continuously.  The data for this project can be found online on the 3RiversQuest WATERS online mapping system (

The program ended in 2019 after the funding was exhausted.  The data is currently being analyzed by partner organizations and will be used in 2020 and 2021 to develop areas of concern for water quality in the county.  Stay tuned for more details regarding the data analysis!

CATTFish Project

The CATTFish (Conductivity And Temperature in the Toilet) is a device developed by the CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University.  These devices were used by the Watershed Alliance to measure conductivity and temperature of ground water resources around the county.  Sixty three (63) participants measured their incoming ground water resources using the device for two years (with many volunteering to extend the project beyond two years).  The data provided a good overview of the ground water resources within the county.  Data was analyzed and maps were created by a California University of Pennsylvania professor and his students.

Passport Program

The Watershed Passport Program ran during the 2015 school year.  Middle school science classes were invited to participate.  The WCWA worked with McGuffey and Chartiers-Houston School Districts for this project.  Students from the 7th grade classes were asked to complete a watershed passport both in school and through out of school activities.  Some examples of out of school activities included hiking, photography, create art out of outdoor elements, and write a nature inspired poem or short story.  Students who completed their passports were entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.  Between the two schools 60 students completed the program.  Congrats to all the students for learning more about their environment!

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